 

scratch     

2019-10-19 00:04
  129
  0
 
 
1.         scratch  data make  score             change score by 1  go to radom position        
2.   scratch                           
  
1.scratch   make variable     change score by 1   
2.               
  
make variable         
  
                         
      
   
  
1. 
2.                 
3.       
  
when green flag clicked
go to mouse pointer

when green flag clicked
if touching apple then
switch costume to bowl 2
wait 0.5
switch costume to bowl 1
when green flag clicked
forever if touching bowl 1
play sound
go to radom position
set y to 180
change score by 1

when green flag clicked
set score to 0
set y to 180
change y by -5
if y position170 then
go to radom position
set y to 180

5.     25  
6.       5  
7.      3  
8. 
      
 
1.         
2.             
3.         

  
     
     