
100         

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100           Nr.058    

             (1913)       
                              
                       Stephane Passet 1913.7.23         
             Jalkhanz Kuthugtu  Sodnomyn Damdinbazar           Stephane Passet 1913.7.17       
                                    Albert Khan 1860-1940                  
    Albert Khan    Auguste Marie Lumière 1862-1952      Louis Nicolas Lumière 1864-1948            Cinématographe              1914           70000            Museum - The Wonderful World of Albert Kahn                               
                 2013.09.24-2014.03.23      100                    Welt in Farbe                      
    1913                                                     
                         Stephane Passet 1913.7          
                                                         
                       Stephane Passet 1913.7.23          
                                       Stephane Passet 1913.7.25              
                     Hermann Consten       Hermann Consten  1919/1920             Weideplätze der Mongolen            Stephane Passet 1913.7            
                     
                         
     100                                                           
             
                                             Museum - The Wonderful World of Albert Kahn                    ①②                 
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①Hatje Canty: 1914 WELT IN FARBFOTOGRAFIE               
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 ②Veronika Veit: Anspruch und Realität: Das Verhältnis         
    der mongolischen Völkerschaften zu China während         
    der Dynastien Ming und Qing (1368-1911).         
    In:Dschingis Khan und seine Erben.           
     Das Weltreich der Mongolen.           
     Katalogbuch zur Ausstellung in Bonn.2005                    
                                                              
https://www.google.de/search?q=Stephane+Passet&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&s a=X&ei=GoS-UqiHG8iG0AXS1oCwDw&ved=0CDIQsAQ&biw=1360&bih=559 
        2013.12.16   Nr.058      

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     