 

scratch      

2019-10-19 00:14
  117
  0
 
  
1.                  
2.         scratch  events  when i start as a clone, repeat until Y position+7, set size to size-size*0.7, delete this clone, set X to 0, set Y to 0        
3.                       
4.                          
  
1.scratch   when i start as a clone, repeat until Y position+7          set size to size-size*0.7    
2.         
  
          
  
                 
      
   
  
1. 
             
        
2.            
         
     
3.                 

4.       
  
              
when space key clicked
next backdrop
wait 1 secs
 
when green flag clicked
switch backdrop to
play sound ......until done
       
when green flag cliked
hide set size to 100%
set X to 0
set Y to 0
switch costume to costume 5

when green flag clicked
create clone of myself
wait 0.5 secs
next costume

when I start as a clone
repeat until Y position=7
change Y by 0.5
set size to size - size *0.07
wait 1 secs
delete this clone
             
when clicked
switch costume to
set X to 0
set Y to 0
set ghost effect to 0
wait 2 secs         1, 1.5, 2 secs 
repeat 10 change ghost effect by 10 wait 0.01secs
next costume
repeat 10 change ghost effect by -10 wait 0.01secs
wait 1 secs

5.     25  
6.       5  
7.      3  
8. 
                               
 
1.                 
2.    
3.            
4.               

  
     
     